Project “EU for a better Business Environment – EU4BE”

26 / 05 / 2023


The goal of the Project is improving selected aspects of the business environment through building mechanism for better stakeholder coordination and action in support of business environment reform, optimization of administrative procedures, inventory and optimization of administrative requests and the digitalization of administrative procedures by the model of a business episode.

Project implementation commenced in July 2021 and will last four years, until June 2025. The Project value is 8 million Euros. Financial resources for implementing the project are provided by the European Union and project implementation is entrusted to the World Bank.

Project activities are grouped into three components.

Component 1 supports the creation of a platform for coordination of business environment reforms. The goal of this component is improving coordination of existing mechanisms for achieving Government of Serbia priorities, as well as a more efficient linkage of these mechanisms with donor coordination mechanisms. For supporting establishment of the Platform and identification of Government of Serbia priorities,     thematic meetings/workshops are held with the goal of linking representatives of the economy, public administration institutions and other interested parties.

Component 2 supports continuation of activities on the rationalization and simplification of business regulations, through: optimization of 350 administrative procedures, inventory of administrative requests, creation of “Guidelines for starting and running a business in compliance to regulations”, and improvement of the methodology for public service delivery. Within a special sub-component, funds are provided for the digitalization of 20 business episodes in the field of SMART Specialization.

Component 3 provides a flexible business environment technical assistance facility for supporting the Government of Serbia priorities. It aims to support business reform priorities, which are not secured within the Government budget or with other donors. Funds within this component will be allocated by means of periodic public calls.

Detailed information on the project is provided within the attached info-graphics.

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About Component 3

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About the project

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Summary of Achievements Sep 2022-Mar 2023

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BE Life Event

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Discussion on the recommendations for improvement of the business environment

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1000_Enterprise_Survey_for_ years_ 2022-23_FNL

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Serbia-BRE Report-June2023

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Focus Group Report - Uzice - Sept 2023

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