Serbia has received a loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (Bank) to improve the competitiveness and employment toward the cost of the Competitiveness and Jobs Project (Project) and intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for individual consultancy services under this Project.
Public Policy Secretariat of the Republic of Serbia (PPS) needs to engage ONE Science Fund Institutional Advisor.
The main goal of the Project is to improve the efficiency and coordination of select public programs to mitigate the constraints for competitiveness and job creation, including investment and export promotion, innovation, active labour market programs, and employment mediation. The Project involves three ministries— the Ministry of Economy (MoE) (plus its development agencies), Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (MoESTD), and Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs (MoLEVSA) and the Public Policy Secretariat (PPS) in the implementation and coordination role. Under Project framework, the three Ministries and participating agencies, with leadership and support from the PPS, are responsible to set performance targets on competitiveness and jobs, monitor and evaluate progress, conduct analysis, and contribute to policy development in the Republic of Serbia. The Project is expected to lead to better designed and coordinated policies, since it is anticipated that, through the Project implementation, they will become part of a clear, strategic framework with a robust monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system. The Public Policy Secretariat is responsible, in close cooperation with the institutions participating in the Project, for coordinating the Project implementation including gathering and processing of results of the monitoring, reporting, fiduciary functions and safeguard procedures. The Project Implementation Unit (PIU) is established in the Public Policy Secretariat as a technical coordination unit of the Project.
The Competitiveness and Jobs Project is structured in two interconnected parts:
- Part A – includes a results-based financing modality for the results achieved in three thematic components:
A.1. Investment and Export Promotion
A.2. Innovation
A.3. Labor
- Part B – includes technical support in project management and implementation, including the procurement of goods, consulting/non-consultant services, training and operating costs.
The MoESTD is responsible for achieving results for Component A.2. Innovation. This component supports programs for innovation through:
- Supporting operations of the Innovation Fund and its Grants Programs;
- Supporting Technology Transfer Facility service lines at the Innovation Fund; and
- Strategic planning and institutional reform of the public research and development sector.
Objective of the Assignment
The MoESTD is currently in the process of reforming the Serbian public R&D sector through a revised policy and legal framework. In this context, the Government has established the Science Fund, as autonomous agency for funding research activities. In December 2018, the Parliament adopted the Law on the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia.
The basic role of the Science Fund will be the professional and independent implementation of research funding instruments based on good governance as identified by international good practices. Science Fund programs will be carefully designed to have greater competitiveness and quality of results, more efficient application of research, openness and availability of all programs and projects, as well as support the development of scientific staff. For 2019, RSD 500 million (US$5 million equivalent) has been provided from the budget of the Republic of Serbia for the Science Fund for its operation and financing of projects. At the same time, a World Bank loan that will support the Science Fund is under preparation.
The MoESTD is now seeking the services of an International individual consultant (Science Fund Institutional Advisor, hereinafter: The Advisor).The objective of this assignment is to assist the Science Fund (SF) in establishing good governance, policy, strategy and procedures, sequencing, selection, and design and monitoring of programs, etc.
Scope of work
The Advisor will provide advice and guidance to Science Fund management and staff on:
- SF’s current and future strategic orientation, policy, strategy and procedures (including a four-year development program);
- Sequencing, selection, and design of programs to be introduced by the Science Fund;
- Guiding business development, marketing, and monitoring and impact evaluation mechanisms;
- SF’s current and future operational policies with the objective of continually enhancing SF efficiency;
- SF operations and in this context will review and provide recommendations to amend any necessary organizational documentation, e.g. the Statute, Rules and Procedures, Staffing Plan and other;
- Review staffing needs and recommend optimal staffing mix based on the work program;
- Review competencies of current staff and recommend training programs to strengthen staff capacity;
- Providing advice to the MoESTD (including suggestions on amendments to the Science Fund Law);
- Liaison with the MoESTD, Science Fund Managing Board, Science Council and Program Boards.
Experience and Qualifications
The Candidates will be evaluated with following criteria: