Public debate on the Proposal for a Regulation on the procedure for preparing the Draft Development Plan of the Republic of Serbia has started

08 / 05 / 2023

Within the preparation of the Draft Decree on the Procedure for Preparing the Draft Development Plan of the Republic of Serbia, the Public Policy Secretariat is conducting a public hearing on the Draft Decree on the Procedure for Preparing the Draft Development Plan of the Republic of Serbia, which will be held in the period from 8 – 27 May 2023.

The Public Policy Secretariat invites all interested citizens and professional public to take part in the public hearing and to submit their comments, proposals and suggestions electronically to the email: or by mail to the address of the Public Policy Secretariat, Belgrade, Nemanjina 22-24, with a note: “For a public hearing on the Draft Decree on the Procedure for Preparing the Draft Development Plan of the Republic of Serbia”.

After the end of the public hearing procedure, the Public Policy Secretariat will review all the suggestions of the participants in the public hearing and prepare a report on the conducted public hearing which will be published on its website, on the e-government portal and the e-Consultation portal.

You can download the Public Consultation Programme Test, the Draft Decree on the Procedure for Preparing the Draft Development Plan of the Republic of Serbia and the Impact Analysis to the Draft Decree on the Procedure for Preparing the Draft Development Plan of the Republic of Serbia HERE

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