22 may 2019 call for submission of the Letter of interest for the recruitment of a legal entity to provide the service: the system of business analytics and reporting

24 / 05 / 2019

The project entitled ‘Support for the Implementation of the Action Plan for the Public Administration Reform Strategy – Reform of Local Self-Government 2016-2019’ is supported by the Swiss Confederation and implemented by the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government (MPALSG) in partnership with the Public Policy Secretariat (PPS) and the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities.

Reference no. SRB-SDC-MDULS2-RSJP-2.1-2019-10

A portion of the Project funds is earmarked for the recruitment of a consultant for the task The System of Business Analytics and Reporting (Business Intelligence – BI) designed for local self-government units (LSUs). This activity aims to improve the quality, availability, and reliability of data on LSUs. The system of business analytics and reporting will serve as a tool for the improvement of policy creation, financial management, and service provision at the level of LSUs, and as a tool for evidence-based policy creation in the field of the LSU reform.

In keeping with the assessed needs, the MPALSG announces a Call for the submission of Letters of Interest for the recruitment of a consultant (legal entity) for the position:

Sistem poslovne analitike i izveštavanja (Business Inteligence – BI)

The task of the consultant is to develop a system of business analytics and reporting (BI) of local self-governments that is simple for application and whose aim is the improvement of quality, availability, and reliability of data produced by local self-governments.

The system of business analytics and reporting is to serve as a tool for the improvement of policy creation, financial management, and service provision at the level of LSUs, and as a tool for evidence-based policy creation in the field of local self-government reforms.

Specific objectives of the task are as follows:

  • Boosting the quality of data in the system of business analytics and reporting
  • Creation of improved procedures for an automatic download of data from available sources of data
  • Improving the reliability and quality of data
  • Improving the existing relational databases
  • Designing the storage of data and additional OLAP cubes
  • Improving automatic migration of data from relational databases into the storage of data, and automatic updating in interactive reports on the Internet
  • Designing of interactive reports on the Internet with the functions of decomposition (drill down) and consolidation (drill up).

The consultant (a legal entity) has to be a company with experience in the IT field that has been involved in similar activities and can offer a team composed of the following experts:

Short description of the task
BI Solution Architect (team leader)
Coordination of all tasks and processes, planning of a database and the system of business analytics and reporting
ETL Specialist
Designing of procedures for automatic transferring of data from a relational to the analytical database and for automatic downloading of data from available sources of data
Expert in data modelling/architecture
Designing models of data: the relational database scheme, an analytical database diagram, a diagram of interconnection between the content of data and the presentation of data
Designer of the system of business analytics and reporting (BI Designer)
Designing of the entire system (integration of data, analytical reporting systems and their interconnection), browsing of reporting tables/reports, designer of data presentation
Designer of reporting tables / reports
Designing of report templates and widgets

All team members need to have experience in the work with T-SQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and integration and analytical services. All team members also need to have experience in working with transaction tables with several million lines, financial data, structured and non-structured data in various file formats, such as: csv, excel, txt files, fixed width, json, xml.

The task is set to be completed during the period June 2019 – October 2019.

The letter of interest needs to contain the following information:

  1. Information about the interested consultancy (a legal entity) with evidence of registration with the responsible body, i.e. evidence that it is entered in a proper registry
    Evidence: Certificate from the registry of the Agency for Business Registers, i.e. a certificate from the registry of a Commercial Court in charge
    In case a group of consultants participates in the application process, the evidence is to be provided for each participant separately.
    In case a consultancy submits its bid together with a subcontractor, the evidence is to be submitted for the subcontractor as well (for several subcontractors the bid is to be submitted for each of them).
  2. Information on the realisation of similar tasks – a list of references with information about: a) the number of developed analytical platforms, b) development of a reporting service with the minimum of 10 million lines of data, and c) development of portals.
    a) broju razvijenih analitičkih platformi, b) izradi izveštajnog servisa sa min 10 miliona redova podataka i c) izradi portala.
    Evidence: A contract copy or a confirmation of the realisation of a similar task in the Republic of Serbia or countries in the region.
  3. Information about team members with evidence of experience in the realisation of similar projects.
    – Biographies of team members
    – A contract copy or a confirmation of the realisation of the project/task in the relevant field in the Republic of Serbia or countries in the region.

The consultant can team up with other companies or individuals in order to enhance their qualifications.

The selection will be made by the ‘Selection on the basis of consultants’ qualifications’ method in line with the procedure envisaged in the Appendix No. 3 of the Agreement between the Government of the Swiss Confederation and the Government of the Republic of Serbia.

All who are interested can get more information through the web address given below during working days from 10:00 to 15:00, and that three days before expiration of the date for the submission of the Letter of Interest at the latest.

Please forward your Letter of Interest in Serbian, signed and stamped, in an electronic or written form, by 5 June 2019 at the latest to the following address:

Ministry of State Administration and Local Self-Government
Sector for the System of Local Self-Government
6 Bircaninova St

e-mail: biljana.djokic@mduls.gov.rs