Presentation of results of the Report on the Quality of the Regulatory Environment in Serbia

10 / 09 / 2024

On Tuesday, 21 May, the Report on the Quality of the Regulatory Environment in Serbia was presented in the Embassy of Sweeden. Prepared by NALED since 2012, this Report has been following the “life cycle” of more than 200 regulations from their drafting, adoption, and implementation.

This year’s results of the Report on the Quality of the Regulatory Environment in Serbia covering the data for 2023 were presented under the auspices of the Swedish Agency for International Development and Cooperation (Sida).

The PPS Director, Bojana Tošić, was one of the panellists at this conference at the panel titled “Predictability and inclusiveness of the application of regulations process” together with representatives of the academia and businesses. The panelists reflected on the planning and implementation of the government’s legislative activities plan in the past year, the quality of the regulatory impact assessment and the involvement of stakeholders through public discussions and other forms of consultation, as well as the importance of using the eConsultation portal enabling active participation in the process of drafting regulations and public policy documents to all stakeholders, efficiently and with minimum costs.

The Public Policy Secretariat takes part in the process of drafting laws and ensuring the quality of regulations in Serbia, and as scuh, it has been collaborating on the preparation of this report for many years.